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Weekdays from 6:00am to 7:30pm at Engineered Bodies Strength Conditioning starting Jul 7, 2022
Saturdays from 9:00am to 11:00am at Engineered Bodies Strength Conditioning starting Jul 9, 2022
Sundays from 10:30am to 1:00pm at Engineered Bodies Strength Conditioning starting Jul 10, 2022
Closed Aug 1, 2022
BC Day (stat)


Consult Free No purchase required to enroll

At your consultation, we’ll give you a tour of our training facility, discuss your health and fitness goals, discuss your injury/medical history, and educate you on our training principles.

By the end of the hour, you'll have a clear understanding of your next steps with us to get you started on your training.

Mentorship Session No purchase required to enroll


Kickstart Program CAD$100 Purchase required to enroll

Our 6-session Kickstart program is for beginner-level individuals where we teach elements from our Kinstretch & Mobility class, Movement Fundamentals (MoFun), and our Functional Fitness classes. At the end of the 6-session program, participants will leave with improved mobility and an understanding of how to execute basic exercises used in our Functional Fitness classes properly. Participants also enjoy fun workouts in each class as they learn new skills.

Participants also have access to our Social Saturday morning classes at 9 a.m. where they get to experience working out and having fun with members of our inclusive and supportive community.

The Kickstart program is a great, low-cost opportunity for participants to learn about movement and proper training, experience all our award-winning health and fitness services, and meet like-minded people in our community.

The 6-session program is $100 (before tax). After you’ve completed the 6-sessions, graduates of the Kickstart program can join Functional Fitness membership for $200/month for unlimited classes.

Offer: Sign up for three months and get a credit for $100 on your 3rd month.

Fight Ready Kickstart CAD$80 Purchase required to enroll

Our 4-session Fight Ready program is designed for martial artists and athletes looking to build a strong foundation in mobility, strength, and endurance. Participants will learn essential warm-up drills, fundamental lifts, and kettlebell exercises to enhance their athletic performance.

By the end of the 4-session program, participants will have improved mobility, a better understanding of key strength exercises, and confidence in proper training principles. Each session includes fun, structured workouts tailored for athletic development.

Graduates of the Fight Ready program can continue their training with our 3-month strength & conditioning program ($190/month), designed for both off-season and in-season athletes.

Sign up for three months and get an $80 credit on your 3rd month!


Independent Training - AM

This is the early morning class of Independent Training (note that it has different cut off times for registration and cancelling).

Independent Training

"Independent Training" is a class time for veteran members to train on their own with one of our experienced coaches present. Members that train in these class times have specific goals and have been provided with an individualized program by our coaches.

Open to everyone with the following memberships: Custom Program, Functional Fitness, Powerlifting and Weightlifting.

Functional Fitness - AM Purchase required to enroll

This is the early morning class of Functional Fitness (note that it has different cut off times for registration and cancelling).

Functional Fitness Purchase required to enroll

Functional fitness classes are back! This class will consist of a coach-led warmup, strength/power/skill development portion, WOD and cool-down plus some high fives and good vibes.

Independent Training/FF-AM

Training time for those with Custom Program, Weightlifting or Powerlifting memberships.

Independent Training/Functional Fitness

Training time for those with Custom Programs, Weightlifting and Powerlifting memberships.

Social Saturday CAD$25 per class From CAD$25 per visit with Social Saturday Drop In pass Purchase required to enroll

This is a team Workout Of the Day (WOD) class. Anyone from any program may attend (and bring a friend) but you must do the team WOD. This is not the time to complete your Custom program training.

Mobility & Movement CAD$25 per class Purchase required to enroll

This class is specifically designed to increase your joint range of motion and at the same time build strength within this new range. The protocols will be taught to you as we learned them from our movement teachers at the Ido Portal Company as well as incorporating principles from Functional Range Conditioning (FRC). These classes help improve how you move, mitigate risk of injury and ensure long-term, sustainable mobility.

You may also play with other forms of movement such as hand-balancing and other movement games.

Weightlifting/Independent Training

This is a class for members with Weightlifting or Custom program memberships.

The EB OPEN Free No purchase required to enroll

EB Open - We are doing the CrossFit Open workouts at this time (with EB scaled options).

May the 4th Be With You: Mini Partner Throwdown Free No purchase required to enroll

We are halfway to the fall Throwdown so check your fitness and see how you perform in this event. The event consists of three mini-WODs with a partner (mixed gender partners).

Stick around for coffee and snacks afterwards.

Youth Programs

[Y] Active Start CAD$28 Purchase required to enroll

For ages 3-5. This 30 min class is for introducing kids to physical active and learning about what their body can do. Kids will explore human movement (various locomotion patterns, hanging, jumping) through fun games and play-oriented learning.

[Y] FUNdamentals CAD$28 Purchase required to enroll

For ages 6-8. This 30 min class is for kids that may be starting sports or starting to become more interested in physical activity. Kids in this class will build on Active Start skills as well as be introduced to fundamental skills of run, jump, and throw, along with bilateral and unilateral movements.

[Y] Learn to Train Purchase required to enroll

For ages 8 to 14. Introduction to the sport of weightlifting for kids. Students learn how to strength train while learning the classic lifts (Snatch and Clean & Jerk) among other assistance exercises using barbells and body weight callisthenics. This class is ongoing and can be joined at any time.

[Y] Train to Train Purchase required to enroll

For ages 14-18. Independent training program for middle-school or high-school athletes looking to improve their athletic capacity for their sport. Students of this program will learn how to perform basic barbell lifts and body-weight callisthenics to increase their strength and power.