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Workshop: Martial Arts and Strength Training

Free Purchase required to enroll
In this two-part 45-minute workshop, you will learn more about the role of neck strength in concussion prevention and how hip mobility can help in BJJ.

Part I:
  1. What's the main cause of concussion
  2. In what plane of motion of the neck is the most vulnerable
  3. What could lower the chances of getting concussed
  4. How to implement the neck training in our program
Part II:
  1. Hip mobility, internal rotation flexion
  2. Some of the submission and dominant position that requires internal rotation and flexion (e.g., triangle, and body lock)
  3. Aftermath: hip mobility and back pain
Cancellation policy Cancellation policy: if you reserve a spot but no show or late cancel, please donate to the Engineered Bodies Continuing Education Fund https://coquitlamfoundation.com/bursaries/engineered-bodies-education-fund/
